Enjoy true refreshment in the form of quality, craft beers from the Pálffy Manor in Svätý Jur, where beer has been produced, stored and tapped since ancient times.
The Pálffy Brauerei (PaB ) brewery is returning to this tradition and continuing it by brewing several types of craft beer. The Pálffy family has always been loyal to the Habsburg monarchs and their family motto is Pro rege et patria – For King and Country. This motto has also become part of our brewery’s logo, because our beer is brewed for everyone and will stand up to the royal table.

All beers from the production of the Pálffy Brauerei (PaB) brewery are made in an honest artisanal method – from quality malts, hops and yeasts, without the addition of preservatives and various additives, they are unfiltered and unpasteurized.
Taste our craft live ales with meaningful names linked to the history of Pállfy Manor – Joseph’s refreshing desinka (10%), Lorraine’s stylish weizen (12%), To the Emperor Franz Josef (12%), Terka’s dark sip (13%), Rudy’s philandering IPA (15%), or Sissy’s whimsy beer special (11%). The first special is a grape special because it is the grape that the brewery is associated with the ViaJur winery brand, which is also based in the Pálffy Manor. However, you can also look forward to a cherry special and a Christmas special in winter.
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